The following Java libraries were gratefully used when developing the BPM game:
- hibernate core 5.3.5
- jboss logging 3.3.2
- javax persistence api 2.2
- javassist 3.23.1
- jboss transaction api 1.2 spec 1.1.1
- jandex 2.0.5
- classmate 1.3.4
- javax activation api 1.2.0
- dom4j 1.6.1
- hibernate commons annotations 5.0.4
- hibernate entitymanager 5.3.5
- hibernate c3p0 5.3.5
- c3p0
- mchange commons java 0.2.11
- mysql connector java 5.1.46
- hibernate jpa 2.1 api 1.0.2
- byte buddy 1.8.17
- asm 6.2
- asm commons 6.2
- spring core 4.3.20
- apache commons logging 1.2
- spring webmvc 4.3.20
- spring aop 4.3.20
- spring beans 4.3.20
- spring context 4.3.20
- spring expression 4.3.20
- spring web 4.3.20
- spring orm 4.3.20
- spring jdbc 4.3.20
- spring tx 4.3.20
- aopalliance 1.0
- spring security 4.2.9
- bcmail 1.60
- javax mail 1.6.2
- javax activation 1.1
- log4j 1.2.17
- jstl 1.2
- spring context support 4.3.20
- apache commons fileupload 1.3.3
- apache commons io 2.2
- antlr 2.7.7
- antlr4 runtime 4.7.1
- javax json 1.1.3
- desmoj 2.5.1e
- junit 4.12.0
- hamcrest core 1.3.0
- java system library 1.8.0
- apache tomcat 8.5
- bpmn 2.0
These libraries are governed by their respective licenses.